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Prestige or Debt-Free? What to Make of College Rankings

college admissions picking a college


Hey you! Yeah, you! Ever feel like you're on a game show where the million-dollar question is: "Where are you going to college?" Drumroll, please! 

We've all felt it—the weight of that question. "Where are you going to college?" It's like being asked to define your life path before you've even fully plotted your course. But hey, spoiler alert: Where you study is just one chapter in the book of You.


The Glitz, the Glamour, the...Debt?

We've all been lured by the siren song of "name-brand" schools. The Ivy League allure! The red carpet of academia! But wait, plot twist: Is it worth going into debt that's more crippling than your Aunt Karen's perfume at a family reunion? Spoiler: It ain't. 


The Real Deal: Self-Made Millionaires and Billionaires

Let's throw a few names your way, and not just to name-drop:

  • Gary Vaynerchuck: Attended Mount Ida College and built an empire. Estimated net worth? A casual $200 million.
  • Oprah Winfrey: Went to Tennessee State University. Need I say more? Oh, alright. Estimated net worth? Hold onto your seats—$2.5 billion!
  • Guy Fieri: Yep, that spiky-haired Food Network king started at community college! Flames on his shirt, and an $70 million net worth.
  • James D. Sinegal: The Costco guy! He went to San Diego State University and built a warehouse-sized fortune—$2 billion!

See the pattern? These folks are the living, breathing defenestration of the notion that you've got to go big (in debt) to win big.


Balance the Scales: My Vanderbilt Story

Okay, okay, I'm not throwing shade at elite schools. I went to Vanderbilt, and it was great—thanks to scholarships. But here's the deal: I have friends who went to top colleges, drowning in student loans, pondering if the Ivy League experience was worth the Ivy League price tag.


Top 3 Reasons to Reconsider College Rankings

  1. ROI, Baby, ROI: Return on investment isn't just for stockbrokers. It's your future! Check the digits before you sign the dotted line.
  2. Skillz That Killz: Companies want skills, not just a shiny school name. Internships, side hustles, whatever—it all counts.
  3. You Do You: Your worth isn't printed on a diploma. Be you, pick the right school for you, and slay!

Enough with the competitive, judgy nature of college admissions. We need to make debt-free the new black and glorify the community college grads who turn into Fortune 500 CEOs. Why? Because it's already happening, y'all! 


Your Best College Life Starts Now

Your college choice is like investing in real estate. You're not just buying a place to sleep; you're investing in a community, a future, and yes, even your own personal brand. So treat it like the major life decision it is. Dive into research, cross-reference your wants with your needs, and choose a place where you can not just live, but thrive. Apply for scholarships, aim for the moon, but smart. Do the math, check your gut, and pick your path.

In the end, your success and financial freedom will do the talking. And let me tell you, those are the kinds of conversations worth having.

So next time someone asks you about college, smirk a little and remember: it's not where you go; it's what you do when you get there. Mic drop! 


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